Starting off the year is our Publisher and Editor-in-Chief, Mehvash Amin.

After a soft opening of our website last year, which we kick-started with a collaboration with the prestigious Karachi Biennale, we are now ready to inaugurate our website with past selections (art and writing) from The Aleph Review, new writings from our contributors – of course the writing selected will be of the same calibre as our printed journal – as well as short musings from our editors.
For the first offering, we are running a continuation of Chris Cork’s beautifully crafted essay, the beginning of which we ran in The Aleph Review , Vol. 3 — an excerpt from this will be uploaded in our next post. Grab the copy to read the full text!
I will save my personal musings for the next time I write… over to Ilona Yusuf, Associate Editor, for her note on the 15th/16th of January.
Mehvash Amin