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Our Team

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Mehvash Amin

Publisher & Editor-in-Chief

A writer and a poet, Mehvash stood first in her BA degree at the University of the Punjab, with English and French literature as her majors, and subsequently went to the Sorbonne for her Licence ès Lettres degree in Modern Letters on a scholarship. Her poems have been published in journals such as  Vallum, Sugar Mule and The Missing Slate, as well as in Abhay Khanna’s book, Capitals. She has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize for her poem ‘Karachi’. Former editorial positions include: Libas International, Hello! Pakistan and T Edit (lifestyle magazine of The Express Tribune).


Hassan Tahir Latif

Managing Editor

Hassan Tahir Latif is a literary editor, writer and photographer from Lahore, Pakistan. He is the co-founder of The Peepul Press, an independent publishing house in Lahore and a Consulting Editor for Dunya Digital. He has worked in various capacities in the publishing industry for the last decade and his cultural commentary has appeared in various publications. Hassan conducts fiction writing workshops and enjoys editing manuscripts. His visual work has been shown in galleries across the country.


Mina Malik

Prose Editor

Mina Malik is an Oxford-trained writer and poet based in Lahore. She is the co-founder of The Peepul Press and publishing editor of Risala, a literary print magazine for young people. Mina was a poetry mentor with the Pakistan Youth Poet Laureate Programme. Her work has appeared in Rowayat, Briefly, Vallum, Scroll and other publications.

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Jamil Masud

Production Prepress

Jamil holds a doctorate in physics from Columbia University, New York, and runs an energy and environmental consulting firm headquartered in Islamabad. He devotes his evenings and weekends conducting final technical editing and layout checks, as well as designing each issues cover and graphical elements, before The Aleph Review goes into print.

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Ilona Yusuf

Associate Editor

Ilona is a poet and an artist who has freelanced for Nukta and ArtNow, as well as written essays on Pakistani poetry in English. Her poems have been published once in a book form and in literary journals in Pakistan and abroad. She worked as an editor for The Alhamra Literary Review and guest-edited a special issue of Pakistani poetry in English for the Canadian poetry magazine Vallum. As a printmaker, she integrates word and image in form of artists’ books. Lighting design and conversation piece furniture are her bread and butter.

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Afshan Shafi

Poetry Editor

Afshan Shafi has studied English literature and international relations at The University of Buckingham and Webster Graduate School London. Her poems have been published in Pakistan and abroad. Some of her published work can be found in Poetry, Poetry Wales, Blackbox Manifold, Flag + Void, Luna Luna, Clinic, and 3:AM Magazine, Smear (edited by Greta Bellamacina), The New River Press Yearbook, and When They Start To Love You As A Machine You Should Run (edited by Heathcote Ruthven). Her debut chapbook of poems, Odd Circles, was published by Readings (Pakistan) in 2014. She has also served as a poetry editor for The Missing Slate.

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Sana T Hassan

Layout Artist

Sana is a graphic designer by profession, a literature enthusiast by choice and a feminist by default. With an MA in Graphic Design Communication from Chelsea College of Art and Design, London, and a decade of wear and tear in the media industry under her belt, she currently works as Art Director at Hello! Pakistan

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